Caligraphics has a new book cover available at SelfPubBookcovers

Caligraphics has a new book cover available at SelfPubBookcovers
CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) are becoming one service–making KDP the single Amazon place to publish and manage your print and digital books. More… If you need a new cover or any help let us know.
A CreateSpace book published by one of our clients, Robert Dudley, today. We did the formatting and cover.
Here’s one of our latest CreateSpace covers, whole book on Amazon. Print covers are $79, and we’ll give you a discount when we do the ebook cover too.
“Wow, Cal, just got my paperback proof of my book and the front and back covers look amazing. Thank you so very much for all your help and we will do this again probably this summer on my first book. You are the best. Thanks again, kyle”
Our latest.
Print covers $79
We also do Print covers for CreateSpace, Lulu, Booklocker and others. Discounts available when we do an ebook and a print cover together.
In most cases our print covers are print-ready, 300 dpi in .pdf format. Specs may sometimes vary, depending on your publisher, but it won’t be a problem.
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